1. Start introducing more protein into your diet
This is especially important for women, who tend to eat less than the required daily amount of protein. Protein is the building blocks of muscle. The leaner you are with metabolically active tissue (muscle) the more efficient your body is at burning fat.
2. Step away from low fat products
I’m a big fan of eating foods in their most natural form, and almost all low fat products have been stripped of their goodness and been replaced with sugar and/or sweeteners.
Because these foods aren’t very satisfying, you will end up consuming more later in the day to feel satiated and nourished.
3. Bulk out your foods with low calorie, nutritionally dense vegetables
You can eat more and lose weight if you are being smart with your food choices and become aware of the nutritional value and content of certain foods.
4. Choose better carbohydrate sources
Yes, your body needs carbohydrates to function optimally, so removing them from your diet is a complete no-go and totally unsustainable.
Try eating carbohydrate foods that come from nature such as sweet potatoes, white potatoes, fruit, oats, vegetables, rice and grains.
5. You have to exercise portion control
You can eat as much healthy food as you want, but if you’re eating too much, you still won’t lose weight.
6. Reduce your alcohol intake
Alcohol is empty calories (void of nutrients so doesn’t benefit the body) and also high in calories, having more calories per gram than carbohydrates and protein. It also lowers your inhibitions and you are less likely to make the right food choices whilst drinking.
And of course, alcohol responsible for the dreaded hangover and we all know that the last thing we want with a hangover is a chicken salad! You don’t have to give it up completely, but you do have to monitor it.
7. Eat when (actually) hungry
Listen to your body because it’s communicating with us all the time.
Whilst I always give my clients guidelines, ultimately I advise them to do what feels right for them. However, if you are trying to lose weight, then at some point on your journey you are going to have to experience a little hunger.
8. Prioritise sleep
A lack of sleep throws off your hunger signals and therefore someone in a sleep deficit will want to eat more, especially with cumulative nights with lack of sleep.
A good night’s sleep will result in balanced hormones, managed hunger levels, reduced stress and better recovery from exercise. Make it happen.
9…And of course, EXERCISE!
I could sing about the benefits of physical activity until I’m blue in the face, but moving your body will help you burn off excess energy and help you get into that calorie deficit that you need.
Whilst diet is responsible for losing weight, it’s exercise that’s responsible for shaping and toning the body.
If you want to feel and LOOK fit and healthy, then working out has to be part of your lifestyle.